Membership and advisory roles
Co-organizer and scientific publication chair of the 4th Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT Europe 2013): 450 participants; 558 extended abstract received; 254 full papers published.
CINELDI (Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution @SINTEF) Scientific Committee member
UPEC (University Power Engineering Conference) Steering Committee member
IEEE Senior member (member since 2010)
IEEE Denmark Section, Power&Energy Chapter chair (01/2019-12/2020); vice-chair between 2015 and 2018
EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) JP (Joint Programme) on SG (Smart Grids) – SP2 (SubProgramme2) leader assistant.
Reviewer for IEEE PES Transactions and Elsevier Journals Applied Energy, EPSR, Energy and SEGAN.
Study line responsible for the Electric Energy System track of the Sustainable Energy master.