Research projects
Currently working in 4 EU and national projects (previously involved in 21 research projects)
- EV4EU (Internal project leader). Horizon Europe funded project, will propose and implement bottom-up and user-centric Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) management strategies creating the conditions for the mass deployment of electric vehicles. Project scale 9 M€; Internal budget 1.2 M€; 06/2022 - 11/2025
- INSULAE (Internal project leader and WP leader). H2020 (European) funded project, which aims at proving technologies for increasing renewables and energy independency in 3 demo-islands (including the island of Bornholm for which I am responsible). Project scale: 12 M€; Internal budget: 1.2 M€; 04/2019 – 11/2023.
- ACDC - Autonomously Controlled Distributed Chargers (Project leader). EUDP (Danish) funded project, which will develop an electric vehicle autonomous smart charge controller to ensure the fulfillment of specific grid services. Project scale: 2.4 M€; Internal budget: 0.8 M€; 04/2020 - 09/2023.
- Topcharge (Internal projects leader). EUDP and IFD (Danish) funded projects. The goal of the TOPChargE project is to demonstrate and mature a next-generation high-power charger. The TOPChargE system is centered around a variable topology battery system allowing to store electricity and use it to charge electric vehicles directly from the battery. Project scale: 4 M€; Internal budget: 0.5 M€; 01/2020 - 12/2021 (EUDP); 07/2020 - 06/2023 (IFD).